SENIORS SECLUDED in the privacy of a correll in The Ilbrarv slocks, sen ior Will iam Gullick finds conditions ideol for re o search projects a nd independent study. Harding's industrious seniors aim for top grades EAll CHESTER, Pocahontol. Ark.; Biology; lambda S igma 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; Clou Vice-pres: 4 ; Northern lights Club 2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2.3. SANDRA CHURCH , HOlel Gr• • n, Ala.; Biology; Tofeht 1,2,3,4, Pres . 2; Col· hKon 2; SNEA 4 . LOIS COB8, Sp ri ngfie ld , Mo .; Bvsiness Education; May Queen Nominee 3; Gala 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Vice -pres. 3, Pres. 3; A Cappello 1.2.3,4; Ensemble 2,3,4; Belles and BeOUI( 3,4; SNEA 3; Bi~ Sister 2. IUTH COBURN, San Pablo. Cal if.; Institutional Monogeme-nt ; Koppa Phi 1,2,3,4, Vice-pres . 2,4 ; Colhecan 1,2.3.4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4. Treas. 3, Public Relahans Officer 4 . GENEVA COMBS, Bethany, Okla.; Business Education ; Who' s Who 4 ; Ju Go Ju 1.2.3.... Treas. 3. Pres. 4 ; S. A. Sec. 4 ; S. A. Cabinet 3; American Studies 3,4 JO COVINGTON. Fort Worth, Tex.; Elementary Education; WHC ; Chorale 1.3; Ensemble 3; Bond 2.3; Camero Club 1; SNEA 4 ; Dactylology Club 1.2. Treas. 2; Big Sisler 2. JUDITH E. CROWSON. Bastrop. La .; Business Education; Gata 1.2; TAG 4; Jamaican Club 3.4 : EQuestra in Club 1. MAlVIN A. CROWSON. Baltrop, La.; Speech: Best Student One Act Play Director 3: Galaxy 1,2. 3; TAG 4 : Chorale 1.2.3. Pres . 2; Quartet 1.2.3 ; Jamaicon Club 3.4 . NEVA DAVEE. Miami, Okla .; Elementary Education; Transfer from North East Oklahoma A & M. EMALINE DAVIS, LI vings ton, Calif.; Home Economics; Transfer from Modesto Junior College; Tafebt 3.4. Sec-Treas. 3. Vice-pres. 4 ; Colhecon 3.4 ; SNEA 3.4. Treas. 4; Intramural Sports 3.4. EARNIE DOUGLASS. Veneta , Ore.; Bible; Transfer from Columbia Christian College: AEX 1,2.3 .4 : Chorale 1; Oriental Club 1.2. Vice-pres. 2; Australian Club 3.4. Vice-pres . 3, Pres . 4 : Timothy Club 1,2.3,4 , Vice-pres . 3,4; Intramural Sports 2,3 ,4 . KENNY DUNN . Sara sota , Fla .; Accounting: Sigma Tau Sigma 1.2,3.4. Vicepres. 2. Treas . 3; Chorale 1,2.3.4, Vice-pres . 1, Pres. 2,3; Quartet 2.3; Pi Gamma Psi 1, 2,3.4 ; American Studies 4 ; Closs Pres . 4 : Bison Booster 1,2.3.4; Cheerleader 1.2.3; Oriental Club 1.2, 3. Pres. 2; Intramural Sports 1.2 ,3.4; Intercolleg iate Track I .