lOY G. ADKERSON, Pa ragould, Ark .; Biology; Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4, Vice· pres 2..4 , Sec 3; Camera Club 3,4 ; Science Club 4 ; BISon Photographer 4 . IOIlERT flOYD ALLEY, Oak Grove, Mo.; Social Science; Who' s Who 4 ; Frater Sodolis 1,2, Sec. 2; A Cappello 1.2; SNEA 4 ; American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Thelo 3,4. Vice· pres. 4; Dactylology 2; S. A. Vice· pres. 4 . liMA DEE ALTMAN, Wilmar, Ark .; Home Economics; Beta Tau Gamma 1,2,3, Treas. 2, Pres . 3; Petit Jean 3; Colhecon 2,3,4, Vice· pres . 3, State Sec. 4 ; SNEA 3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3. CURTIS ANDERSON, Portagev Ille, Mo .; Physical Education ; TNT 1.2,3, Sec.2, Rep. 3; TAG 4 ; Intramural Sports 1.2,3,4, All Star Softball; SNEA 4; PEMM Club 4 . LIN DEL ANTHONY, We. t Plains , Mo .; Bible . JERRY L. ATKINSON, Sp rin gfield , Mo.; Biblical languages; Who 's Who 3,4; Mohican 1,2,3,4, Treos. 1,2; A Coppella 1,2.3,4; Quartet 2,3,4, Belles and Seoux 3,4 ; CIa 51 Pres. 2; Pet it Jean, Asst. Bus . Mgr. 3, Bus. Mgr. 4 . MIKE IIACHERL, MountaIn Home, Ark.; Business Administration . KARYL " BEETLE" BAILEY ,Hobart, Ind .; Physical Education ; Transfer from Vol· paraiso University; Who's Who 4 ; Mohican 2,3,4, Rep. 3; S.A. Repres . 3; Bison Booster 2,3,4 , Pres . 3,4; Cheerleader 2,3.4, Capt. 3,4 ; Intramural Sports 3,4 . GLORIA KAY BAKER, Bradford, Ark .; Home Economics; Tofebt 1,2,3,4; Cho· role 1; Colhecon 1,2,3,4; SNEA 4 ; May Queen Nom inee 3. WILLIAM H. BARNES, Hayti , Mo .; Business Education ; Alpha Phi Kappa 1.2; Mohican 3,4; Bison Booster 3; Northern lights Club 3; SNEA 4 ; Pi Gamma Psi 1,2; American Studies 4 ; Intramural Sports 2,3 ,4 . DORIS BAlIm, Jonesboro, Ark.; Home Economics; Wha ' s Who 4 ; May Court 2, May Queen Nominee 4 , Theta Psi 1,2.3,4. Pres . 3; Inter·club Council 4, Sec. 2; Bond 1; Symphonelfe I ; Colhecon 1,2.3,4. Hist. 3; Pet it Jean 1,2,3.4, Asst. Editor 3, Editor 4 ; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4 , Basketball AII·Stors 3. GLENDA BAWCOM, Bastrop, La .; Elementary Education; Theta Psi 1,2,3.4, PorI. I, Trea~ 2, Vice· pres. 3, Pres. 3; Bison Booster 3; SNEA 2,3,4; May Covrt 1; May Queen Nominee 3; Inter·club Council. Sec. 4 . JERRY BENSON, Sea rcy, Arx; Accounting and Business. CAROLYN BERRY, Litt le Rock, Art .; English ; Omega Phi 1.2,3,4 ; SNEA 4 . ANN BERRYHILL, Searcy, Ark .; Elementary Education ; Wha ' s Who 4 ; May Queen Finalist 3; Regina 1. 2,3.4; A Cappella 1,2. 3,4 ; Ensemble 2.3.4 ; Belles and Beaux 3,4; A Tempo 1; SNEA 2,4. DON O. BERRYHILL, Searcy, Ark .; Phvscial Education; Who' s Who 4 ; Sub·T 16. Quartermaster 2, Chaplain 3, 2nd Mate 4 ; A Cappello 1, 2.3.4 ; Quartet 3,4; Belles and Beaux 3,4; S. A, Pres. 4 ; Closs Pres. 1; Bison 4 ; Sporn Stoff 4 ; Bison Booster 3,4; Campus Players 2,3,4 ; Alpha Psi Omega 4 ; PEMM 4; Closs Favorite 2; SNEA 2,4; Intercollegiate Football 2; Intramural Sports 1,2.3,4, AII·Star Softball 1,2.3 ,4 , AII·Star Baseball 1.2; Sijitsu 4 . GEORGE BESSE NT . WyandoHe, Mich.; General Science. CAROL BISSETT, Okmu lgee, Okl a .; Physical Education ; Transfer from Oklahoma Christian College; Kappa Phi 3 ,4 , Vice·pres. 3. Pres . 4 ; Colhecon 3; SNEA 4; Sison 4 ; 1ntramural Sports 3,4 . Trophy and Jacket 3 . 41