SENIORS Senior officers schedule profitable year for class SPECIAL problems facing seniors ore anticipated by doss Pres . Ken Dunn, Vice· Pres. Earl (nesler, Treos. Barbaro Durling, Sec. Trish Noylor, and sponsors John McRay and Cliff Ganus. 40 REGINA SPIRIT AWARD JIM HOWARD Exemplifying the cha rac teri sti cs of a SIncere Chris tia n, Jim IToward was awarded the Regina Spir it Awa rd by hi s cla ssma tes. They feci that his a llitudes, personality and conduct mos t clea rly typify those of th e ideal H ar ding student. A warm greeting fo r everyone, unselfish service to others, a devo tion to God a nd to any tas k undertaken combined with a dee p sense of hum ility a re a ttributes which h ave won for Jim this h onor . By serving as pres ident of the Timothy cl ub, president of the A Ca ppella ch orus, and an ac tive member of the H a rdin g Belles and Bea ux, Jim has developed a truly Chri st ian ch a racter . He spends many hours prepa ring his weekly se rmons and radi o talks; ye t he still takes time to respond to any expression of need regardless of his personal desires.