Staff Betty Salo Bookkeeper Bus.ness Office Buford Tuck. r E~etulive Secretory Alumni Associ ation .. - Eleanor Sopp Roxanne Shackleford Secretory Accountant Oeporlmenl of Education Busmess Office Elbert Turman Nad ine Tyler Chief Engineer Secretory Sible Depa rtment Mildred McCoy Secretary Dr. Roy Wellborne Harvey Nevins Storeroom Clerk Jean N.... ins. LPN ASSistant Nurse Edwina Pace Secre tory Dr. Cliffon l. Ganus Hubert Pulley MOlntenance DepartmenT Dorma Rainey Clerk Business Office Greg Rhode , Manager College laundry Harry Risinger Maintenance Deportment Ru sse ll Simmons Director Public RelaTions Phylli s Warner Secretory library Ro be rt E. Smith, BS Robert Str•• t Superintendent Manager Buildings cnd Grounds College Farm Dairy Hennan West Po, Young , OA Manager Coshier Harding College Press Business Office 37