1961-1962 Yearbook

Organization directory A Cappdla Choms 168 Ensemble 169 Phi Delta 136 African Club 166 E.uropean 166 Pi Gamma Psi 175 Alpha Chi Honor Society 78 Frater Sodalis 148 Pi Ka ppa Delta 172 Alpha Epsilon Chi 143 Galaxy 149 Pioneer 153 Alpha Phi Kappa 144 Gata 126 Press Club 176 Alpha Psi Omega 173 Grace Wells 174 Quartet 169 American Studies Group 178 Greene Twins 171 Regina 137 Australian Club 166 Ju Go Ju 127 Science Club 174 Band 170 Kappa Delta 128 Sigma Tau Sigma 154 Belles and Beaux 169 Kappa Kappa Kappa 129 Student Association 160 Beta Phi Kappa 145 Kappa Phi 130 SNEA 174 Beta Tau Gamma 124 Koinonia 150 Study Group for Big Sisters 177 Ko Jo Kai 131 Constitutional Government 179 Bijitsu 172 Lambda Sigma 151 Sub T -16 155 BISON 162 Las Companeras 132 Theta Alpha Gamma 157 Campus Players 173 Mohican 152 Theta Psi 138 Cavalier 146 Mu Eta Adelphian 133 TNT 156 Cheerleaders 204 Northern Lights 167 Tofebt 139 Chorale 170 Oege 134 Travelairs 171 Circle K 174 Omega Phi 135 Varsity Club 205 Colhecon 176 Pemm Club 177 Who' s Who 118 Dactylology 167 Pep Club 204 Woodson Harding Comrades 140 Del ta Chi Omega 125 PETIT JEAN 164 Zeta Phi Zeta 141 Delta Iota 147 Phi Alpha Theta 179 Zeta Rho 142 We wish to express appreciation to .. . 278 . . . Dr. Joe Pryor for his patient help and advice ... Virginia Leatherwood, Sue Tullis, Joel Anderson, Bob Brewer and Mr. Earl Wilcox for hdping write captions, copy and headlines ... Tom Loney, Russell SImmons and the Publications staff for special pictures and last minute help ... Herman West and the Harding Press Staff for their excellent cooperation ... Roger and Ben Red of the Ben Red Studio for printing pIctures, the class protraits, and the color photo ... William Walker Studio for the portrait of Dr. Benson ... John Clark of American Yearbooks for his guidance of the planning and production of this book ... to the Alumni office for tolerating our frequent interruptions ... and to the many others who contributed their own special services. DORIS BARRETT JERRY ATKINSON