INEZ PICKENS, Dean of Wonwn, supervises the campus li fe of women student s. She also leads an active life in the Harding Acarlemy where she teaches English. As dormitory director of Palli Cobb lI all, she works closely with the girh there. She is also sponsor of the \\'omen 's Intercluh Council and this year she is Secretary of the Harding Business ' ' ' 'omen's Club. Other duti es include membership on the Student Affairs Comm ittee for both the college and the academy. Mrs. Pickens enjoys th e con-espondence she maintains with former students who arc no\\" in many parts of the world. Readin g and collecting cups and saucers are her two chief hobbi es. Her collec tion contains cups and saucers from man,- countries. VIRGil M . BeCKETT, SA INEZ PICKENS , BA VIRGIL BECKETT. Rep;i strar_ is responsible for registration proc('durcs. for J11aintC'l1ancc and anal- ~:sis of academic rC'cords and for various grade reports. Prospective students seek information from him about entrance requirements and enrolled students check with him regarding graduation requirements. He serves as Chairman of the Academic Scholarship Committee which administers the academic probation policies of the coll ege . To keep abreast of advancements in his field, Mr. Beckett is a member of the American Assoc iation of Collegiate Rep;istrar s and Admissions Officers. ITe is now serving as Vice-President of the Arkan - sas Associa tion of Collegia te Registrars. 'Ilis civic ac ti vities include membership in the Sea rcy Kiwanis Club. ' ' ' 'hen he is not busy at his job. he enjoys p;etting away for a fi shing trip or watching a p;anw of football. basketball or basehall. 25