ADMINISTRATION College deans • • inspire JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PhD VI HG I L II. LA\VYEH. Dean of Students. is responsibk for co-ordinatinp; all student activities and administering- th(' Sluoent prl'sonnC'1 prop;ram. As Director of Admissions. he corresponds with prospective students about Hardinp; College and attends numerous coll('~{' days in yarious high schools. Dean Lawyer came to Thu'ding- this ,Y(,Dr from Luhhock Christian Collep;e where he taup;ht history. TTc lnaintains an actiyc interest in lnission work havinp; 5(,1'v('d as a miss ionar:v in Japan . While there he was principal of the lbaraki Christian H ip;h School for five years. Dean Law- .y{' r has a g(,IlUillC' intf'l'f'st in follf'!!;<' sludcnls, and this interest is manifested by the helpful advice given and ull s('lfish sen1icC' rcndcr('d all students . Apart from hi s duties at the collep;e. he cnjoy, time spent with his fal11il~' and playinp; p;olf. 24 students to higher goals DH. JOSEPH E. PRYOH has found his second year as Dean of the Collep;e a very busy year. li e is a member of the National Counci l of Alpha Chi. Secretary-Treasurer of Hep;ion II of Alpha Chi. Councilor. of the Centra l Arkansas Section of the American Chemical Society. President of the Ark· ansa s O('an's Association. and faculty rrpresf'nta - ti\'e to the Arkansas hllel"Co li ep;iate Athletic Association. Activities on campus includc sponsoringthe T:\,T social club. sponsorinp; the Alpha Chi chapter. and ad\'isinp; the Petit JeGn staff. " Dr. Joe." as he is known to the students. has been on the Il ardinp; faculty since 1944. Tn that time he has exerted an influence in nearly cvery arca of campus life and has sC'l'vcd six years as president of the Alumni Association. Occasionally he relaxes with one of his hobbies: sports. photop;raphy. reading. listening to music_ or playing with his three child ren. VIRGIL H. l/4,.W Y ER , MA