ADMINISTRATION Capable administrators QUI ET, genial Vice - President of Hard ing , Or . Clifton l. Gonus, Jr., gives generously of his lime, serv ing also as Deon of The School of Amer ican Studies and Cha irman of the Deportment of HiSTory and Social Studies . 22 direct campus affairs DR. CLTFTO L. GANUS,JR. , serves effec ti vely as Vi ce- President of Harding Coll ege. chairman of th ~ Department of "istory and Socia l Science. Dean of the Sc hool of American Studi es and chairman of th~ Graduate Council. Ti c makes Ameri ca n hi story m ea ning ful to th e large number of students in his freshman hi story class. In the past Dr. Ganus served for eight y~a rs as Pres id ent of th e Alumni Associa ti on . He is currently sponsor of th e Sub-T soc ial club. a member of Alpha Ch i_ a nationa l honor scho larship society a nd a member of Phi Alpha Theta, a na tion - al hi stori cal soc iety. I n sp ite of hi s many college duties, he serves the community through the Lion 's Club. th e Cha mb~ r of Commer ce and th e Board for th e Quaupaw area Coun c il of Boy Scouts of Ameri ca. ITe exerts a nation -w ide influence lhrough his spe('ches before various c ivi c, industrial and educa tiona l g rou ps. STUDENTS ore nol The onlv ones who do homework Dr. Gonus proves as he dictaTes bUSiness correspondence in his home sludv.