Bill Borden rounds thi rd and w i ns the softball bose run in near record time. GETTING off a forceful spiral, Jim WOlson demonstrOle~ oulslondmq Technique thaI won for him Ihe football dlslonce kick recoqnltlon. JIM PRATT pulls himself up the rope in near-record time in the rope climb. Prall 's outstanding athletic ability earned him membersh i p i n Sigma Delta Psi. 200 SKIPPING rope Isn t kids sluff as exhibited by Charles Thompson w inn er of the rope lump conTesT with over 350 jumps per minute. Thompson is a consislent participant in inTramura l events ) PREPARING to toss another rin~er. Sid Tote grips the horseshoe firmly. Tote was the champion in horseshoe singles this season. JON Farris grips the winner"s t rophy tightly as he congratvlotes runner up Chuck Wadley after the grueling Australian Pursuit Race