JIM CiTty displays excellent form as he swin!=js the discus in a track meet held at Alumni Field. Citty was also a consistent point maker m the high ,ump and in the shot put BREAKING the tape, Gaston Tarbet, AIC top miler for two years shows the stram of this grueling race. SPRINTING out of the blocks, Wayne Gaithe r storts w i th determination and hopes to bring Harding points in the 440 yard dash at Alumni Field . 192 HESC LTS Place of Meet M ('Ill phi s ( J ayc('(' Indoor T raek Ca I'll i \"a 1) l\TlII'ra\" Slate Sea rcy Conway ASTC SOli I heasl M issollri Sta te { Inion Uni\TC'rsit.\" ITarclin p; ASTC 1 lard in:.; (larding Il enderson Hendrix Arkansas Tech Clarksvi lle I1arcl inp; Oza rks Searcy Haroinp; Arkan sas State Searcy (Hardinp; r nv ita tionaI ) ASTC T-Tcnderson Oklahoma Christian Ouachita T-Tm-ding Searcy Henderson Hardinp; Southern State Oza rk s Scarcy Union University J-Tal'ding Arkan sas A&M Searcy (ArC Meet ) ASTC Henderson Ouachita Harding Scorr 66 15 30 23 13 92 33 51)'2 51 34 31'2 66' 2 60' 2 72 64 61 27 24 23 14'j 551 J 47 ' ] 34'2 3ZY2 75 50 38 84Yz 27Y2 22 17