FOOTBALL Bisons make top individual scores • Ale record ENDING a ShOff sprmT oround end, Norman Tubb and Bob Pearcy educate a Wonder Boy to The Bisons tfemmenl. S'eve SmiTh rushes in to help. INSPIRING the leom beforc a !=lame, Coach Allison is tense w ith enthusiasm. The leom shows tens ions Typ ical of a pre - ~ome tolk. 182 A season's r ecord of four win s and five losses, two men among th e confer ence sta ti sti cs leaders, and two m en on th e All -AIC li st brought accla ims of success from H arding's ri vals in the Arkansas Intercollegia te Confer ence . The Bisons, in onl y th eir second yea r of conference competition , r ebounded from two defeats to upset two crown -minded t eams in a burs t of fou r th-quar ter heroics. The first game was a non -confer ence til t with M illsa ps College. Dropping thi s con tes t by a single point Harding journ eyed to Arka nsas T ech wh er e th ey suffered a crushing de feat., a ftel' h old ing the Wonder Boys to a 7-0 ha lft ime scor e. Returning to th e h ome stadium, the Bisons entertain ed Southern State's Mulerid er s for three quarters, then coming from two touchdowns behind, roped th e Rider s to a 27-25 defea t, in the fin al minutes. The following Saturday night Ouachita Baptist College ventured into the Bison 's territory. The Tigers scor ed two quick touchdowns earl y in th e second period . Harding pushed across a ma rker just befor e the half and pi cked up a safety when Ouachi ta intercepted a pass. VVi th t ime running shor t , Jerry Escue pulled in a pass from Del Brock for the final scor e for the victory, 15-14.