FEELING the burden of responsibility placed on him by the office, yel pleased thot Interes ted students hove helped make this a successful yeor, is StudenT Association President Don Berryhill STUDENT ASSOCIATION SA officers strive for achievement • leadership 160 Student Association Council members work tog-etJler with students, fa culty and administration to achieve a morc hm"monious academic and social environment. The council is composed of four elected officers and a men and women's representative from cach class. Among- tJw Stuoent Association activities were tile all-school party beg-innin g- tJ,e fall t erm, the pantry shelf to which stuoents donated canned food s to deserv ing- famili es in tJ, e Searcy area, the Chr istmas party. Homecoming- party and various other all-school fun ctions tJ,roug-hout tile year. Much of the work of til e Student Association is done throug-h the cabinet, which is composed of tJ,e h eads of th e departments of activit ies. STUDENT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS: David Finley, Geneva Combs, Bob Alley, and sponsor, Clark Stevens.