AFTER presenting club queen Harriet HernnQton w ith a box of ~weetheart candy , J im Palmer, Cliff Bennett , and Tom Warmack delve into the sweets. SIGMA TAU SIGMA Dr . Ja ck Wood Sears Joe Bradburn Cliff Bennett John Cantwell Jock Davenport Roger Dozier Kenny Dunn Tom Gaine s Gory Gi lbert Bu cky Hendrix Je rr y Holl is Tom Johnson 'Old South' • rises again for Sigma Tau members Sam Keic hli ne Philip Maybe rry James Palme r Cha rles Pri dd y Don Schafe r Ed Spurrier J erry Stephe nson Travis Stewa rt Jo hn ny Toms Tom Wa rmack Jerry Watson Merle Wes tb rook Joe Williams Th is year the Sigma Tau Sigma social club started Oll t by (,Irctin g- Il an'iet Il arringtoll as their club queen and taking ill twrh'c new members. As the yea r progress('d th('sc ncw add it ions proycd to be quite a boos t for t he clul)s at h letic ability. The cluh qu ic kly (klllonstrated thi s abi l ity by " ' inninp; the cluh foo tball and yolh 'ball chanlp ionships and Clldill A' up as a top contender in t he basketba ll playoffs. The yea r ha s not co ns is ted e ntirel \' of sport" eyents for the Sip; llla Taus_ h owe"e r.- Early fall found thelll at the Lep;ion Il ut wh e re they held their Th ird Funct ion. alld on January 20 at Kelly's Cril l \"he re the "The Old South" "as the theme of the ir banquet. OFF ICERS . FALl: Stewa rt , Pres.; Warmack, Vice· Pres.; Toms, Sec.; Westbrook, Trees .; Ketchline, Rep.