1961-1962 Yearbook

KOINONIA Mr _ Richard Wolker Joe Adorn s Jim Anderson Roberl AnsthuII Don Bowman loui s Boykin Tom Bridge s Don Bullock Roman Docyshyn At Ferrell Bilt Ford Bill Gray Neil Hoverly Glenn Hou se Jimmy House JeH'{ Hughes COMPETIT ION in Th is fast sport funs hiqh as 0 member of KOinonia sinks his shot in on inlerclub basketball qome St. Patrick's Day festivities climax year's activities 150 Bobby Hutcherson Denzil Keckley Larry M cKeon Dennis Milam Glenn Mu rphy Bob Osburn Tom Prather Charle s Sheumak.r Nolan Sonnier Don Stillinger Ben White James Williams Koinonias began tlie year's acti vItI es with a stag outing at Barber Lake. The club fried hambur!'(ers and enjoyed some fi shing and hunting. Membership in the club was increased by ten as new m enlbcrs \\'cre initiated at Bee Rock. The third fun ction was held at the Legion lTut in November. Kelley's Grill was the setting for the St. Patrick' s Day banquet. In March, Koinonia sweetheart Lydia Goin s received a sweater from the club at the banquet. Among the varied activiti es of the club this year was the establi shment of a loan fund for needy students. OFFICERS. FALl: Sonn ier , Pres.; House, Vice- Pres.; Sheuma ker, Sec.- Trea s. SPR ING : House , Pres.; Bowman, V ice- Pres.; Sheumaker, Sec.- Treas .