FRATER SODALIS Popcorn parties and functions make busy year Mr . Andy Ritchie Bob Baucom Ron Baucom larry Brown Stan Combs Gene Cook Bill Friley Bill Gosa George Hobby Jim Horner Jimmy Hyde Denton Kernodle Gront Killion Bill laird Robe" lane Fred Lemmon Dareborn McCullough Leroy Miller Jerry Selvidge William Shorl David Starling Charl es Thompson Fronk Viser William Young OffiCERS. fALl: SharI, Pres.; Storling, Vice· Pres.; Killion, Sec.; Thompson, Treos .; SPRING: SharI, Pres .; Starling, Vice-Pres.; Miller . Sec.; laird. Treas . 148 The Frater chain was strengthened with the addition of twelve links. Formal initiation by candlelight in the Emerald Room, following the rough " fun " at Wy ldewood, solemnized the occasion for nevv member s. Twenty young ladies and their escorts tuned in on "Adventures in Paradi se" for their annual banquet. Dining amid the sounds of twittering birds and rolling surf emitted by the background music. Fraters and their dates enjoyed an exotic evening. Sam Belo, a native of the Philippines and former Frater, spoke behind a full -rig model of a sa iling ship , thus adding an unusually authentic feature to the setting. Miss Ann Jones, who was also Homecoming Queen. graciously served the Fraters as sweetheart for the yea r . INDUSTRIOUSLY working toward winning in the Speech Arts Tournament, Bill Short and Fred Lemmon outline speeches far their individual categories.