1961-1962 Yearbook

ALPHA EPSILON CHI Patriotic AEX club commemorates Armistice Day W x • • • • • • Alpha Epsilon Chi will be r emembe r ed thi s yraJ' for their patrioti c pr esentation in chape1. "Of Thee We Sing" was the namc of th e ir prof.tram on Armi sti ce Day . This patrioti c theme was continued in F eb - n.an \\ ith thei r banquet at I\:c II y"s. " George Washington ', Birthday" was th e theme. an d Glen Pare of th e Downtown Church of C hri st I(a\'e the after-dinn e r talk. Club 'luren , Martha \lays. was hon ored with a brac rlet presented by the rlub. AEX members strengthened th eir fell owship durin g th(' yea r through scvc rai traciitinn cll s la~ outings. Ilo01eco rnin g ac ti vi ti es. and club sports. The dub captured second placc in th e Ame ri can League Softball Leaguc. Sister club. Phi Delta , kept thc m embe r s wcll supplied with cakes and cook ies. RADIANTlY forsee ing on evening of enjoyment, lindo Riley deports with her escort Paul Huber 10 the onnuol AEX banquet held this year at Kelley·s. Mr. Bill Earnhart Mr. James Hedriek John Billingsley Anthony Bryont John Daniel Earnest Douglass Lucian Farror Paul Farrar Rodney Grantham Thomas Hawkins Paul Huber Edward Hueter John Hughes Joe Marchant Stan Miller Glynn Parker Dan Puckett James Ruble Milton Smothermon Glenn Uthe Ellis Williams N. J . Wilson OFFICERS. FALL , W ilson , Pres.; Williams, Vice-Pres.; Smotherman , Sec.; Uthe, Trees. SPRING; W illiams, Pres .; Ruble, Vice· Pres. ; Hawkins, Sec.; Farror , Treas. 143