EXOTIC mU1ic a nd iungle decora tions set the mood for the lela Rho s banQueT theme. QuieT Vil lage.' Dean lawyer gave the oher ·dinner speech. ZETA RHO Mrs. l ou l awyer Ann Blue Ros a lee Cantrell Dorothy Ch ris tma s M yra Cope Nancy Cope Kay Dunn Judy Estes Judy Evans Martha Gardner leah Gent ry Gayl a Hodge Christmas stocking filled with 'goodies' for beau 14 2 Helen Howe ll Carole Humphreys Irma Lounsberv Prisci lla M cCullough CamHie M cNeill Countess M cNei II Patty Shul l Anne Smith Peggy Turner Gloria Tyner linda W illiamson Carot What ley Zeta Rh o zu g-s \"'e rc g rC'c tcd w i th my r iad duties during pledge week and gain ed a reputation on campus as lisper s when they were required to use only words beg inning with a "z" for one day. At the formal initiati on in the Emerald Room th eir trial s became worthwhile as they became full member s. At Christmas each m ember of the club saved pennies to buy small g ifts w h ich \\'erE' put in a stockin g for club beau Duke Jennings. "Quiet Village" was the theme of the banquet wh er e everyone was su r pr ised by unknown facts revealed by Dea n Lawyer in hi s " \tValLer \tYin - chell re port o f campu s news. " OFFICERS. FALL: M cNeil, Pres.; Ch ristmas, Vice- Pres.; Hodge, Sec.; Howe ll , Treas. SPRI NG. Ch ri stmas, Pres.; Smi th, V ice- Pres.; Gentry, Sec. ; McNeill, Treas. ; Evans, Rep.