1961-1962 Yearbook

Oh come, Let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker. - PSALM 95:6 Man reaches the mountain top of human experience in periods of genuine worship. Through Bible classes studen ts learn more about God; through chapel devotionals. even ing vespers, and congregat ional worship they are drawn closer to God; and through personal evangelism classes, mission study groups. and daily association with dedicated Christians they. are inspired to give their l ives in service to God. Religion becomes to mean more than weekly worsh ip. It becomes a way of l ife by which happiness in its fullest sense may be obtained . These great spiritual experiences in college w ill be a source of strength in the years that follow. PRESENTING The word of God to smoll chIldren is a servIce wh ich Ann Westbrook and other Harding girls fInd TO be a rewording experience EVIDENCE of the deep religious feeling among the students is found as they gather around the lily pool for spontaneous hymn sings and devoTionals following the evening worship services ot church.