1961-1962 Yearbook

REGINA Mrs. Joe Pryor Mary Ethel Bales Pri sci lla Baker Noita Jean Berryhill Jo Byrd lotina Dylces Linda Graff Marilyn Groff ORIENTAL decorations lend on exotic atmosphere to Regina 5 Poqodo Paradise ' bonquet. AuthentIC entertainment wos furnished by Victor Sim. Regina hobos and dates invade pumping station Regina pledges "roughed" it at the Searcy I(raveyard before their formal initiation in to th e club. The new club members survived th eir initiations to eagerly join their "s isters" in intramural and group activities. Long-time inhibitions to ' simply " bum" around came true for Reginas when th ey dressed as hobos for their third function. Reginas and their dates found the experi ence quite educa tional. In fact, they felt that they had become edll - ralrel hums. Keeping with th e spirit of Chr istianity, Reginas present the Spirit Award annually to a senior best typifying the spirit of Harding. OffiCERS. FAll: Niemeyer, Pres.; Miller, Vice-Pres. Berryhill, SecTrees.; Wright, Hist.; Dykes, Rep. SPRING: Wright , Pres.; Miller, Vice· Pres., Johnson, Sec. loleto Higginbotham Jo Hughes Jan Johnson Brenda lane Francis Mayer Janie Miller Sandy Mills Sheila Mitchell Peggy Niemeyer Annette Qualls Linda Ri singer Barbara Robertson Betty Shackleford Mary Lou Stewart Carolyn While Julie Williams Jan Wright Il7