KAPPA KAPPA KAP PA 'The Roaring 20 ' ssets scene for third function Tri -l\.appa 's rep;ressed to. the " Roa!'in~ 20's' for their third function. Althollgh bedecked ill flapper costumes, all enjoyed a modern trea t at the party, :\cw members a f Tri -Kappa became endactrinated to the club' s ~aals and abjectives through dub parties, bunkin~ parties amI fel - lowships together thraughaut th e year. For tilrir worthy proj('ct. Tri -Kappa' s contrihuted to. the band uniform campaign. A year bu zz ing with ac tivity which included presenting a chapel program closed far Tri - Kappa's after theil' banquet and an nu a l s prinf.',' ollti ng. PAT IENTLY wa i l ing 10 . frame" the history o f America in satire, the Tri . Kappa s depict famous choroclors from Columbus 10 the United Nat ions. Mrs . Lou ise Gonu s Judy Alli son Virginia Borden Sarah Brown Laquido Byrd Sandy Childers Mary Helen Cunningham Midge Diller Wonda Henry Carolyn Hladky Betty Holli s Linda Lee Mr;Hgorel Mabry Kathy Maddox leminda McDougald Belly lou Oliger Mary Ann Phillips Helen Belh Powell Mary Robin son Karen Smith Pam Staples Sara Stowers Carolyn White Cora Wi se r Marian Yingling OFFICERS . FAll: Borden. Pres.; Brown, Vice-Pres.; lee, Sec.; Cunningham, Treas. SPRING: Brawn, Pres.; Phillips, Vice-Pres.; Childers, Sec.; Allison, Treas. 129