CLUB BEAU Steve Smith makes response a t Kappa Delta ' s Banquet in a · 'Winter Wonde rland " complete with snow and freezi nq weather. KAPPA DELTA Mrs. Dorothy Gilliam Rayma Bailey Pat Barnes Madeline Campbell Nancy Cullen Judy Frazier Neva Gaither Sandra Henry Carolyn Hugg Betty Mays Clara Morgan Mary Sue Morris Snow completes perfect 'Winter Wonderland' 128 MaKin. Payne Brenda Penn Sharon Sheumaker Barbara Simpson Jean Southard Lillian Stewart Marlyn Stewart Harriet Storey Anne Whiddon Bonnie Willey Rea l snow helped make Kappa Delta's "Winter Wonderland" banquet a su ccess. Mrs. Dot Beck sang for the group after the dinner a t Kelly's Gdll. A bunking party a t the h ome of Mrs. Bob Gillam opened the club' s ac tivities for the year. Their social fun cti ons and club project were decided upon a t thi s party. The members continued several of the activities and plans made when th e club was first organi zed last year . These ac tivities included the pledge week dress of grey skirts, white blouses, and silver circle pins with th e club name inscribed on th em . Steve Smith was club beau. OFFICERS. FAll: Stewart, Pres.; Goi the r, Vice·Pres.; Payne, Sec. ; Simpson, Treos.; Payne, Rep. SPRI NG: Sto rey, Pres .; Simpson , Vice. Pres .; He n ry, Sec.; Ba rnes, Treos,; Sou thard, Rep.