BETA TAU GAMMA Club pledges introduce Thermostrockamortimers Min Irene Johnson Jewell Anderson Virginia Branscum Judy Burns lucille Burn s Pat Clement Susan Craig Alice Dobyns Donna Duncan Anne Griffin Josephine Holt Virginia Hovarter Eure Leroux linda McMahan Kathy McVicker Mary Onetho Millard Shirley Pruett Flo Rauworth Sharon Reeves Barbara Smith OFfiCERS . FALl: McMahon . Pres. ; Anderson , Vice -Pres.; Ho - varter , Sec.. Trea s.; Milla rd, Hist .; Burns , Rep . 124 Member s of Beta T au and their dates journ eyed to VVy ldewood for a December weiner roas t. Lynn Reeves, c1u b beau , was much in demand during pledge week as each pl edge had to have a date with h im . Other pledge r equirements included introducing "Thermostrockamortimer," club mascot. to 25 boys each day. At a Chri stmas party a t the home of Miss Irene Johnson , club sponsor , the girls learned about Yuletide traditions in Germany . Miss John son decora ted h er tree with German ornaments and prepa r ed r e freshments similar to those served at German holiday parti es. LEAVING campus and the world tempora r il y beh ind , members of Beta Tou Gamma hove the type of good t ime found only "Once in a Blue Maon,"