lootuoll J/OI1fCCOl1fiJffl COllrt GERRY Stone, senior biology mOlor from Navasota Texas. was anather member of the Royal Court wha cheered the feam. CLASS ATTENDANTS Jo Byrd tTop left), Freshman representative, Ozark, Mo. Carolyn Hall tTop r ight), Senior representative, Clarksville. Ark. Darle-ne Davis tBoNom left). Sophomo re representative, lavaca, Ark. Thomie Ann Smith tBottom right!. Junior representative, Haynesville. la Ann Jones. a senior f'if'ITIf'f1tary education major from Pari s, T ex as, W HS ch osen by the students to reign as ITomecoming Queen. Vibrant and express ive in both her ac tioll s and her words, Ann is success ful in acacic-lIlic and sports activities. As an Int el' -ciub COlillcil mrrnb('r and a member of Kappa Phi soc ial cluh. Ann has kept closely aware of pe()rl~'s fedings and reactions. exh ib iting- persollal compos llrC' allrl fri endlin ess to\yard fellow sturlents, Other members of tlw lI omecoming court in· c1uded Sylvi a Citty and Gerry Stone. attendants to the 'lueen. and Jo Bwd. Darlene Davis. Thomie Ann Smith. and Carnl;'n H all. class rC'prcscn ta ti ves. The hmnrcom ing pa raile. victory over College of the Ozark s in t he galliC and an all school party aftf'f Ihe game provided an opportunity for express ion of C'nlhusiaslic good spirits. SYlVIA C;IIy, jun ior speech major from Idabei , Ok lahoma , ~hared Homecoming honors with Queen Ann and the Bisons.