- . .Miss 'c!ldia (J(Jins nomin ee KOINONIA Lydia Goins, a participant in many phases of campus life, still finds time to give a welcome smile to all her classmates. As a future elementary erlucation teacher she prepares for her career by contributing her time and service as secretary to the Student National Education Association. J ler partic ipation in student government as sen ior representative and in women's intramural sports completes her extracurricular activities. .Miss S!llvia eitt!l nominee SUB-T 16 Sylvia Cilly finds outlets for her vivacious personality through her position as cheerleader for Bison sports events and through her service at speech tournamen ts as a member of the debate team. Her major and minor courses of study, speech and physical education, also provide opportunity for stimulating activities. 108 Petit f/et/II Queen and Attendants