PET IT JEAN QUEEN NOMINEES . FRONT ROW: Mor~oret Ro~ers. Beverly Gollm. Gerry Stone, Kothy Bishop, Horrlel Hemnqlon SECOND ROW- Paulo Obrecht , Jane Hulen . Lydia Goms, Sylvia (I ny. Sarah Brown. Norma Thomas, Belly (obb. Ann Jones, Phyllis Gornell PETIT JEAN DAY Yearbook presentation reveals awaited secrets Many closely guarded sec rets a rc made known when the year book is revealed on Petit Jea n Day and the new cover is seen publ icly for the first time. The Petit Jean is dedi ca ted to a facul - ty member chosen as deservin g by th e seni or rlass . This person rece ives th e first copy of the book . Favorites from each cla ss and bes t all -around students. chosen during the fall semester. a r c in - troduced along with the honor students. the boy and the girl with the hi gh est grade po int ave rages. An expectant hush falls over the audience as the studen ts await the crowning of th ei r Pe tit Jean Queen, voted from nominees of th e men ', soc ial clubs, and the presentation of her attend - ants . Following the ceremonies, th e book ar c di strihuted from va rious loca ti ons, and students ca n he seen sca ttered across th e campus eating the ir sack suppers and turning th rough th ei r new Petit Jean s. DELIGHTED children marvel at the opportunlly 10 meet a real Queen os Pelit Jeon Queen Georgie Connon talks with them bockstoqe after fhe coronation.