STII:ENGTH and endurance ore reaulred of those who partICipa te In peg board competition . · . . There was not among the children of Israel a goodlie r person than he; From his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people. - I SAMUEL 9:2. Phys ical rrquirClllcnts 111 a collcge edu cation a re rel a li vely unimportant in a libe ral sense. yrt arc essential in tht" compl et ion o f a higher education. Not on ly is physical development an individual area of g ro\lY lh. it also plays all ac ti ve role in the rea li za tion o f maximum growt h in other ph as s of l ife. An erect. "ii\orous body oft en SNves as a mirror reflecting an ale rt. recep ti ve mind and a i\encra l zest for li fe. For. " He who stri ves in th e game exe rc ises se lf-con tro} in all thini\s'"