MAY QUEEN NOMINEES. SEATED: Jo Meadows, Sondra Powell , Norma Thomas, Helen Howell . Sylvia Thompson . STANDING: Anne Berryhill , Brenda Seostrunk. Judy Reynolds, Gloria Boker, lois Cobb. Donna Wise. Gaylon Bach, Carolyn Hall , Sondro Byrd. Faye Woodham, Merle Coffman, Glenda Bowcom, Carolyn Maxwell , linda McMahon . ... may day ... Spring is officiall y h ere at Harding when the crowning of the queen climaxes the celebration of the May Fete, sponsored by the Ju Go Ju women's social club. Early morning practices are forgotten by participants and spectators alike in the beauty of the l ate afternoon activities on May first. The procession of Ule princesses, the winding of Ule May Pole to the now of beautiful music, the presentation of the May court, and the recognition and crowning of the May queen make the May Fete pageant the long-remembered announcement of Spring. SURROUNDED by her court , Her Majesty Queen Kirsten Christensen sits proudly wearing the crown which procla ims her Qu~n of May.