, Nm JEAN QUEEN NOM INEES. FRONT ROW: Edna Knore. Beverl y Gotlin, G lenda Ganus, Kaye Prysock. Helen Greene, Ann l ucos, l ydia Goins. SECOND lOW, Georg ie Cl aypool, Claudio Shewmaker, Sherry Elswick, Ann Jones . TH IRD ROW; Conn ie Wo re, Yeo rl Jane Hackett. CloudeHe Faulk. . . . petit jean day ... Cli maxing a full a nd eventful year is th e long-awa ited Petit Jea n Day. Accomplishment reigns supreme on thi s day, from the presenta tion of the yearbook to th e crownin g of th e queen . Anticipation fills the a ir a s th e audience th e reveal ing of the cover des ign of th e '60 Jeall. Pat Suth erlin 's superb job of editing ""OUI,hl specia l recogniti on to Ha rd ing wh en the Jeall rece ived a n All -Ameri ca n r a tin g . Class favorites, hest a ll -round studen ts, honor ioh "nPln t s and the fa vored teac her to w hom th e is dedi ca ted arc g iven recogntt lOn. ighting the day is the crowning of the Pe tit Queen a nd presenta tion of h er a ttendants. Sack suppers a nd annual sig ning on th e .l awn the day to a close. LAST! The yearbook with orr its " onticipations " has been onEveryone rushes eagerly 10 claim his copy of Ihe PEnT JEAN . 95