ATTENDANTS and escorts watch with pleasure the crowning of Queen Edna Knore by captain Jim CiUy, highlight of the Homecoming ceremonies. -- who celebrated homecoming ... pledgeweek ... The sixth week of school opens with excitement and anticipation for newly elected pledges of the men and women's social clubs. Garbed in gaudy stockings, crazy ha ts and even Indian blankets and headdress, the lowly pledges endure a week of subservience to their pledgemasters and pledgemistresses. Pledge week gives the new students ample opportunity to make new friends and to become better acquainted with the campus. The hectic week of pledgeship was climaxed by the annual homecoming festivities - pep rally, parade, presentation of the queen and her court, and of course, the game. This year the celebrations were on October 31 making them even more colorful and exciting with the Halloween spirit. The rainy, foggy weather did not seem to deaden the exci tement - the football stands were crowded with ardent fans peering out from under big black umbrellas. SWALLOWING vitamins 10 keep healthy is important during a strenuous lime like pledge week. as this wert-supervised pledge aptly demonstrates .