I I STRETCHED full length on her bed, Nonnie Sonders concentrates on her doily ossignments. With the materials she needs close at hand, she pours over her lessons without interruption of thought. -- who studied ... Long hours of study and research are an integral part of any institution that has as its primary purpose the acquisition of knowledge. Harding provides an excellent atmosphere for such study in its well-equipped library where sixty thousand volumes await diligent searching. Dormitories are also adequately equipped for "home" study while some students even prefer the outdoors or special study sessions in the student center. As a part of r egular class work students received instruction in Bible. Supplementing this academic study were Sunday sermons at the college church and the annual lectureship in Novpmber which were a valuable part of our Christian education. LARGE numbers of visitors were on the Harding campus in November for the 1960 annual lectureship centered on the theme, "Ch ristian Education."