, . TO INSURE the success of the barbecue, various kinds of workers helped assemble the meal. Pined for the first $Ioge of cooking is the meal, the chief food for the Thanksgiving meal. With aprons donned, students dished up the food while two mouths worked heartily in enjoying the feast. -- who worked ... Various duties and services performed by the stu dents throughout the year are a vital part of college life at Harding. The diversity of jobs performed serve a twofold purpose of benefi ting tJ,e school and providing a means by which students can help pay for college expenses. Oilier student efforts which ach ieved their desired ends were ilie making of the Bison mascot, "Butch," campa ign ing for offices, and carrying out SA projects such as "Send Stan." Thanksgiving Day, which brought to a climax ilie annual Harding Lectureship, required ilie voluntary work of social club representatives to serve the "hungry hundreds" at meal time. COLLECTORS are busy counting money and "posting" the results of a student campaign to roise money to "Send Sion" Shewmaker home-----Io Africa.