-- who entertained ... BEVERLY Clayton and Bil l Grady gave moving and memorable per formances as Anne Fronk and her father in the tense ploy, "The Diary of Anne Fronk." 86 U tili zing the H a rdin g stage, professionals and near-profess ional students deepened a ppreciation of cultural presenta tions, widened the scope of theatrical expe ri ence, and pmvided recreation tllmugh enterta inment . Opening the lyceum seri es this year was George Bernard Shaw 's three-act comedy "Can - dida," produced by th e Cl eveland Pla yhouse. The highlight of the season was the performa nce of the 80-piece San Antoni o Symphony Orch es tra. Pmgram s by several pi ani sts, a harpi st a nd a n impersonator were included in th e ou ts ide entertainment in th e series. Among the more popular a ttrac tions were those presen ted by the college's own ac tors and actresses - "Di ary o f Anne Frank," "Be ll, Book, and Ca ndle" and "Conn ecti cu t Yankee in King Arthur's Court." The A Ca ppe lla Chorus' presented an evening of enterta inment in May consisting of two operas - " Down in the Va lley" by Kurt Wi ell and " Impresa ri o" by Moza rt and a patriotic composition, "Ballad for Americans," LILTING melodies of harpist Susann McDonald captivoted the hearts and minds of the enchanted audience 01 a Harding lyceum ollroclion.