SNATCHING some time off from stud ies ond olher activities for relaxation, Geneva Combs , Becky Heffington , Bob Alley, and Poul Hobby battle out a tense Rook game in Cathcart 's reception room. -- who played ... acted ... Relaxation from studies came in various forms of play through planned and spontaneous activities. Providing recreation for every type of personality were a ll -school parties, theatrical and musical productions, contests in the gymnasium or just restful strolls to the college park. A casual date might have been highlighted by a movie, a school function or a meaningful talk in a swing. Always to be remembered will be the golden moments of recreation and fun spent in close association with Christian friends. SINGERS are scarce , but there's plenty of munching and plunking in a sex leT of sui'emotes accompanied by guitar, banjo, and a bowl of popcorn .