NO TIME for picture posing by this group as busy mouths confuse the "Iotest" with ingested " bits" of food. Chow time is on hour all seem to enjoy. 80 -- who met ... Reunions made by old friends following the summer months of separation pervaded the atmosphere with friendliness and warmth which filled the campus throughout the year. The influx of new students was welcomed by bustling "old-timers" with warm smiles and greetings. The SA booth provided a meeting place for old and new alike where a short chat might reveal a neighbor from the old home state or provide someone with just a moment in which to meet and make a new friend. Informal gatherings in the student center, gossip sessions across the "chow" table, deeply moving hymn sings around the lily pond, and countless social activities were a part of every student's life. These associations as well as the numerous new acquaintances made as a result of lectureship, lyceums, and weekly church services composed tha t never-ending stream of people we have known and loved. "LONG TIME, no see' " is well demonstrated by roommotes, Annette Davis and Mary lee Northcut after separation.