in on attempt 10 pu rchase desired wares In tne ever-popula r cenler. This is a very typical occurrence which often creoles quite 0 problem! Students ga thered on the Harding campus in September from 35 sta tes and 11 fore ign countries - timid freshmen , sophistica ted sophomores, aspiring juniors and dignified seniors. Approximately half of the 1,065 studen ts were enrolling at Harding for th e first time and for m any of these thi s was the ir first con tac t with Chri stian education . Diverse in background, prepar a tion and profess iona l a ims and sepa ra ted from family and fri ends, th e newcomers to the campus wer e introduced to the spiri t of H arding through the friendly ass istance of the Big Sisters and the Studen t Associa tion. A£ter the arduou s tasks of testing, counseling and registering, students began their adjustment to the rigor of academic work and the demands of ex tra-curricula r ac tivities. Within a few weeks studen ts h ad found the ir places in schola rl y pursuits, ch orus, drama tics, debating, publi ca ti ons, a thletics and other ac ti vities. The spirit of service and dedi ca tion began to manifes t itself in fr eshman a nd senior alike as the year 1960-6 1 unfolded . HIGH spirits of Homecoming are not dampened by Ihe rain, as a canopy of umbrellas colorfully shields a host of loyal Bison fans underneath ,