FORMERLY used as the administration building, Science Hall is one of the originol buildings of the campus. It now furnishes qua rters for the home economics, chemistry and bio logy departmen ts . PERSPECTIVE IN HISTORY Looking insight to past gives more into present scene The student at Harding College today gains in his perspective of the past as he reviews the hi story of the school. Harding is a school that has been built on hopes, drea ms, and sacrifices. In 1922 Chri stians in Arkansas established Arkansas Christian College at Morrilton. After two years this junior college and another, Harper College, merged to form a senior institution, whi ch was to be called Harding College. In 1934 Harding College moved from Morrilton to Searcy, where the facilities of Galloway College were avai lable. Since then the school has undergone tremendous growth; but the Galloway Bell Tower, Pattie Cobb Dormitory, and the Science Building are reminders of earlier days: Upon the retirement of Pres ident J. N. Armstrong in 1936, Dr. George S. Benson returned from China, wh ere he had spent ten years doing mission work, to become pres ident of Harding College. Dr. Benson purposed to overcome the heavy financial diffi culties with which th e school was struggling. It was a memorable Thanksgiving Day, 1939, when at the conclusion of a long campaign, the mortgage was burned. FRAMED through on arch of the bell lower is PoHie Cobb Hall, the oldest dormitory on comr>us. The bell lower, constructed from malerials which hod been a porI of Godden HolI , is now a part of our history.