72 Robert An sc.huh: .... .. Austin , Tex . Wilma Barber .... Bald Knob, Ark. Shirley Barne. ... Ye ll ville, Ark . Virginia Borden ... ... . Klamath Foils. Or• . Billi. Butler .. . .. ... ... .... . Pang bum, Ark. Edith Cannon .. Rockford, III. Costantino. Car.tsos ... . .... Athens. Gr&eCe C.dlio Chon Kow loon , Hong Kong Edward Crosby .... . .. Enterprise, Ala . Nancy Cullen Fayetteville, Ark. Patsy Foley . Heber Spr ings , Ark . Terry Fru:tia .... .... ..... ... Valparaiso, Ind. AI Gaston .. Stone Mountain. Ga . Phyllis Gilstrap .,' Indianapolis. Ind. Ralph Graham ... .. . .. ... ... .. .. . Jeddo, Mich . Bill Gray ........ ..... . . Dalios , Tex. William J. Gullick Detroit, Mich. Glenn Hailey ..... Sherman , Tex. Loretta Haltom Cindy Hanell Linda Hearron Madeline Heimer Doris H.nd.~on . . .. . David Howe ll Camden . Ark. Judsonia . Ark. Monahans. Tex . Ado. Oklo . Marvel" Ark. Memphis, Tenn . Barbara Johnson ............. .. • Detroi t, Mich . Ann Jones Bill Kallenbach . James Kelley Thomas Kirk Marie O'Nei l ... ..... ..... . Paris, Tex. Bolivar, Mo. ... Highlands . Tex . Columbia, Tenn . Clifton, Ariz. "STAND st ill just a minute and let me fill in my cords on your back,·· says these students to a patient suf· ferer caught in the registration rush.