SPREADING holiday cheer is o ne of the Big Sisters' prOlecls. Here fou r sophomore members decorate a tree for Cothcart's reception room. 62 Steve Smith ... . Suanne Smith ..... . Thomas Gale Smith Thomie Ann Smith Milton Smothermon Betty Lynn Sowell SUlanne Stanford James Don Stanley Donald Starr Lucrecia Stein Travis Siewart Peggy Siroder Joe Stubble field Don Suth e rland Sidney Tate Barbaro J e an Thomas Charle, Thompso n Je an Thompson Jim Thompson Newport, Ark. Corn ing , Ark Shi rley, Ark. Hayn esvi lle, la. Ft . Worth, Tex. Searcy, Ark. Columbia, Ienn. Fayettevi lle, Ark. Beebe, Ark. Day ton, O. Regan Well s, Tello;. Rector, Ark. Fort Smilh, Ark . Camp, Ark. Gretha, la o Searcy, Ark. MI . Pleasant , Tex . Murray Hill. N. J . Searcy, Ark. Nancy Kno tt Thompso n Phyll IS Thurmon Son Antonio, Tex. Morris , Okla. Sondra Tucke , Sam Tumlin son Larry Turne r Glenn Uthe Gl en n Vale ntin e Pot Venabl e Fron k Vi ser Rosette Walgre en Cha,les 'oy Walker Clarksdale, Miss. Alexandria, Va. lincoln Pork, Mich . Solon, O. Dellas, Tex . Morrilton , Ark. MI . Pleasant , Tex. Greenwood, Ark . Joplin , Mo.