CONTEMPLATING plans for the sophomores' acti ... ities of the yeor o re the doss officers, who ore VicePres. Sid Tote, Sec.- Trees. Sondra Herndon and Pres. Jim Thompson , guided by Spon sor Clark Ste...ens . SOPHOMORES Officers meet for outdoor planning conference 56 Catharine Ables Bobby Akers Ann Alli son Lynda R. Anderson Jim Angel Leona Atwood Larry Joe A.... Charl . n. Bobb EI Dorado, Ark. Kennett, Mo. Pocohontos, Ark. Ullle Rock, Ark. Boy, Ark. Waxahachie, Tex. Parma, Mo. Bradford, Ark. Carol Ann Bail.y Ra ...enden Springs, Ark. Shirl.y Jean Bailli. Roberts, III. Billy Borden Mary Louin Glenda Bean Harold Becker Jon Beeson Sharon B.rry J ohn Billing s ley Kathry n Bis hop Pocahontas, Ark. Jonesboro, Ark. Clorksville, Ark. Middletown, Ky. Harrisburg, Ark. lillIe Rock, Ark. Prescott, Ark. lewisville, O.