nate shares Springfield, Tenn. lozbuddie, Tenn. Beebe, Ark. West Plains, Mo. Darlington, Po. Okay, Ark. Memphis, Tenn. Dearborn, Mich . .... Swifton, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark . . Ft. Smith, Ark. West Memphis, Ark. Vincentown, N. J. Flint, Mich. East St. louis, III. Claude, Tex. Hugo, Oklo. Flint, Mich. Van Buren, Ark. Aliceville, Ala . ... ..... Memphis, Tenn. Northern Rhodesia, Africa L P...II Indianapolis, Ind. Satesville, Ark. • SENATOR Dot Garrett explains to Betty Westerholm obout the closs project the juniors have undertaken as Betty pays her port of the cost. collection of membership dues 53