SENIORS ADJUSTING their caps and gowns for the graduation march causes th e seniors to look not only backward at their post but toward a new life. Fidgity graduates prepare for uniformed march DAVID WALKER , Savannah, Tenn .; Accounting ; Lati n American Club 3. WAlTON WEAVER. Boy. A rk .; Bible; Intercollegiate Basketba ll I; In· tl omural Sparts 1,2. ETTA MAE WESTBROOK . Lowell, 0.; Oege 1,2,3, H,s: -rep. 2. Rep. 3; leta Rho 4; Colhecon 1,2,3,4, Rep. 2, Vice- pres. 3, Pres. 4 SNEA 2; Petit Jean 2,3.4, Closs Editor 3.4; Northern lights 23.4, Sec_,treos 3; Lob assislon t 4 ; Intramura l Volleyball 1,2,3,4. lONNIE WHITFIELD, Caruthersville, Mo. ; General Business; Alpha Phi Kappa 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2. BOB WILLE, Chatfield, Minn .; History ; Pi oneer 1,2,3, Rep. 3; Northern Lights 2,3,4; European Club 2,3, V,(e-pres 3; Timothy Club, 2,3, Pres . 3; Australian Club 3,4. ALMON WILLIAMS, JR., Flint, Mich.; Socia l Science. JAMES EDWARD WILLIAMS, JR. Sovannah, Tenn.; Bible; Transfer from Freed·Hordeman College; Thela Alpha Gamma 3,4; Sky Rockets 3; Intramural Volleyball 3. LOIS BAKER WILLIAMS, Tecumseh, Mich.; Secondary Education; Transfer from Freed-Hardeman College; Theta Alpha Gamma 3,4, Inter·Club Council Rep. 4. ROBERT V. WILLIAMS , Hildreth, Flo_ Elementary Education; Transfer from Florida Christian College; Lambda Sigma 3,4; SNEA 3,4; Bison 3,4; Northern lights 4 ; Australian (tub 3; Intramural Sports 3,4. DONNA WI SE, Tulso, Oklo.; Home Economics; Delta Chi Omega 1,2,3,4, Sec. I, H IS! 2, Treas. 3, Vice-pres. 3, Pres. 4 ; Bijitsu 4; Colhecon 2,3,4, Stole Vice-pres, 4; SNEA 2; Campus Players 2,3,4, Sec. 4; Intramura l Sports 2,3; May Queen Nominee 3,4. JOE YEARGA IN, Lofe, Ark.; Phys,col Education; Transfer from Freed -Hardeman College; Koinonia 3,4; ~EA 4 Varsity Cl ub 4 ; Intercollegiate Baseball 3,4; Intramural Sports :;,4 W. H. YORK , JR ., Mexia , Tex.; Bible; Transfer from lamar Tech; Theta Alpha Gamma 3,4 ; Timothy Club 3,4 .