SENIORS Thorough graduate record JIM LOVElACE, TehochopI, Calif.; General Science; Transferfrom Bakers· f . ld Jr College; Theta Alpho Gamma 2,3,4, Pres. 2,4; SNEA 2,3; Intra",urol Spor ts 2,3,4 CHARLES HOWARD LUCAS, laurel, Miss.; Bible; Moh,(on 1,2,3,4, lillie Chief 4; A Cappella 1,2,3,4; Belles and Beaux ' ; Petit Jean 2; Campus Players 1,2. PERRY LUCAS, Prichard, Ala.; Bible ; from Freed Ha rdeman College; Mohicon 3,4; Intramural Sports !EAIlENE LYNXWILER. Doniphan, Mo., Elementary Education; Transfer fro,., Freed ·Hardeman College; SNEA 4. JOAN B. LYON , Memphis, Tenn.; Engl~' lnd History; Who s Who 4; Alpha Chi 3,4, Sec. 4; Honor Stu· ~t 1 Ganus Award 1 Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3, Sec. 2, Pres. 3, lerClvb Covncrl Rep_ 3; leta Rho 4, Sec. 4; Camero Club 1; Chorale x: 001 of American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4, Vice-pres. 3, ~ 4 Boson 3; Petll Jean 2,3,4, Assistant Editor 3, Editor 4 ; European vb ,4 Orrental Club 2; Intramural Volleyball 1,2. JAMES RICHARD MAITlN, Pine Blvff, Ark.; General Science; Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4 , 1, Treas 2, Sec 3, Pres. 4; Petit Jean 1,2; Intramural MAIY CAROLYN MAXWELL, Denver, Colo.; Secretarial Science; Transfer from Freed Hardeman College; WHC 3,4; May Queen Nominee 4; If Amencan Studies 4 STEVE MAYFIELD , Pleasanton, Calif.; )1 Science ; Transfer from Abilene Christian College; Alpha Phi 3,4, Varsity Club 3,4, Intercollegiate Baseball 2,3; Study Group Government 3,4 HERMAN M cHAN, Lake Vrllage, MdAURY, Houston, Te,l.; Elementary Education and Psychology; ,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2,3,4, Sec.·treas. 2, Pres. 3, Vice-pres. 4; Dactylology 2,3,4, Vice·pres. 4 . JAMES DAVID MEADOWS, , Mich.; Biology; Alpha Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4; Chora le 2,3,4; Pep 2,3,4 ; Science Club 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4. JIMMY MIL· Dardanelle, Ark.; Physical Education; Transfer from Arkansas Tech; I 2.3,4; SNEA 3; Varsity (Iub 4; Bison 3,4; Intercollegiate I 4, Track 3,4 Intramural SPOrTS 2,3,4. exams DROOPING seniors compare their react ions to the exhausti ng series of Graduate Record Exami nation s, another requ i rement for graduation. drain energy