IIU f . GRADY, Jacbonville, Ark.; Speech and Education Administration; GalalY 1,2,3,4, Vice-pres. 4; Chorale 2; SNEA 4; Campus Ployers 1,2.3,4, Vice-pres. 2, Pres. 4; Alpha Psi Omega 3,4; Best Charocrer Actor 3; Intramural Sports 2,3,4. HelEN ANITA GREENE, Hickory Ridge, Ark.; Physical Education; Tronsfer from Arkansas Stote Teachers ColIlfge; Kappa Phi 1,3,4 , Pres. 4; Petit Jean Nominee 4 ; Colhecon 4; SNEA 4; Bison 3; Intramural Sports 1,3,4. VANCE " EDDIE" GREENWAY, Paragould, Ark.; General Science; Covalier 1,2,3, 4 , Pres. 4 , Vice-pres. 3; ScIence Club 2,3,4; Circle K 3,4, Treas. 4; Intramural Basketball 2,4. CHAILES GRifFIN, Derby, Kons.; Chemistry; Transfer from Wichita Uni- ""ity; lob assistant 3,4. GERALD GRIffiTH , Creve Coeur, Ill.; MathemotlCS; Pioneer 2,3,4, Rep. 4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4 . RICHARD E. IIACKfTT, Parkersburg , W. Va.; Art; Transfer from Freed-Hardeman College; Theta Alpha Gamma 3,4; Bijitsu 3,4, Vice· pres. 3, Pres. 4 . WAil JANE HACKETT, Parkersburg, W. Va.; Elementary Education; ronder from freed·Hardeman College; Theta Alpha Gamma 3,4; Petit Nominee 4. MILO HADWIN, Wheeling, W. Va.; Social Science; 2,3,4, Vice·pres. 3; Science Club 1; SNEA 1; Bison 4 ; Petit Intercollegiate Track 2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3; Latin Ameri3.4, Pres. 3; Intramural Athlete of the year 2. PHILIP HAll , Ky .; Social Science. HAND, Birmingham, Alo.; Business Administration; Lambda SigTheta Alpha Gamma 3,4; lSI 2,3,4; School of American Studies Bison 3,4, Business Monoger 4. MARJORIE HAYES, Quaker City, Physical Education; Transfer from Kent Stote University; Tofebt Vice·pres. 3, Pres. 4; Outstanding Gir l Athlete 3; Intramural Sports May Queen Nominee 3. REBECCA HEff iNGTON , Paris, Ark., BusEducation; Theta Psi 1,2,3,4, Vice-pres. 3; Calhecon 3; School of Studies 3.4; Big Sister 2; May Queen Nominee 3. DARLA KAY GATEWOOD, Pollard, Ark.; Elementary Education; Phi Delta 1,2,3,-4, Sec. 2, Pres. 3, Rep. 4 ; SNEA 2,3,4; Big Sister 2. DAVID B. GAUNTLETT, Kingston, Ja., B.W.I.; Accounting and Bus· iness; Transfer from City College of New York; Mohican 2,3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 2,3,4; In!romural Volleyball 3,4. llOYD GENTRY, Alhambra, 111. ; Biology; GalalY 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Vice-pres. 3, Pres. 4; May Court 1; Best Actor 2; SNEA 3,4; Cabi net Member 4; Campus Players 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,-4. CARL E. GOAD, Evansville, Ind.; Business Administration; Alpha Phi Kappa 1,2; Koinonia 3,4, Sec.·treos. 3, Vice-pres. 4; Circle K 4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4. SARA GOOD, Commerce Tex.; Psychology; Who's Who 4 ; Alpha Chi 4; Petit Jean Nominee 3; Oege 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2; A Cappello 3,4; Belles and Beaux 4; Ensemble 3.4; Dactylology 1,2; Student Association Trees. 4; Bison 1,2,3; Petit Jean 3. GROVER GOYNE, Vicksburg, Miss.; Engl ish; Galaxy 1,2,3,4, Trees. 4; A Coppella 2,3,4, Vice· pres. 3, Quartet 3,4; Belles and Beaux 4; Chorale 1.