SENIORS Officers plan year for an outstanding seniors • "- LEO BY Pres. Goston Tarbet . seniors face their final year with anticipation . With Sec.-Treas . Jeanne Hockett and Vice-Pres . Roberl Quolls they took to their sponsor Cliff Gonus for mature guidance. REGINA SPIRIT AWARD GASTON TARBET Chosen for the Regina Spirit Award, Gaston Tarbet typified to his classmates the student who evidenced most clearly the attributes for which one should strive. Gaston emphasized positive leadership in the church and drove to Crossroads, Arkansas, every week to deliver lessons to a congregation that could not afford a regular minister. Developing his religious leadership at school, Gaston was president of the Timothy Club and chairman of the Student Association committee to encourage religious growth of students, especially in worship. Much more than most others Gaston exempl ified friendliness and interest in people. 38