SOCIAL SCIENCE Social science study develops ability to solve daily problems To understand the present on e must be acquainted with the past. The Depa rtment of Social Sciences offers classes in hi story for thi s purpose and classes in economics and political science so that we may understand problems facing the world now. Gene Rain ey is back in the department thi s yea r af ter a l eave of absence in which he received hi s mas ter 's degree. Head of the department is Dr. Clifton Ganus who al so heads the School of Ameri can Studies. This school gives the better studen ts an opportunity to go deeper into these fi elds by trips to metropoli tan centers. bi -monthly seminars, and heari ng authorities in hi story, political science, and rel a ted fi elds. This year in th eir study of " Comparative Economi c and Political Systems" th e group went to Cincinnati and St. Loui s and heard spea ker s from Russia and several la rge uni ver siti es. For th e first time there is a chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, na tional hi story society, ac tive on the campus. Jom.1 A. Hedrick, 'dO Irene Johnson, MA ROl e Marie Jon es, Professor Assistonl Professor Instructor MS Accounting History Business Education Dallol Roberll , MA Joe P. Spaulding . PhD Ermal H. Tucker, B' Assistan t Pro fessor Associate Professor Instructor Po li tical Science History ALWAYS ready to offer ossistance, Rose Jones pauses a minute to see how Barbaro Scrivner is progressing with her assignment. Jomes Roy Ott , PhO lonnie E. Pryor, MA Gene Rainey , MA Associate Professor Assoc . Professor Emeritus Assistont Professor Economics Social Science Politicol Science L.. C. Underwood, MS Billy O. V.rkJer, MS Roy Well bo rne, PhD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Social Science Business Administration .0 /~ 'I as