HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS Humanities professors stress cultural growth and refinement Cuture is enlightenment or refin ement by intellectual m ean s. To us thi s means learning a bout the literature, art and music of the pas t and th e present. Through these we l earn to think mor e deeply and logically and to apprecia te the accompli shments of a refin ed civiliza tion . Dr. L. C. Sears, Dean Emeritus, has given hi s full time thi s year to teaching and h eadin g th e Depa rtment of English . James L. Atteberry re turned to Harding this year after obta ining his doctor 's degree at the University of T exas. Dr. Erl e T. Moore, head of the Music Department, has directed the a cappella chorus, in the a bsence of Kenn eth Davis, Ir. A special group of twenty students was chosen to make a tour of th e Orient during th e Christmas holidays to enterta in the a rmed forces ther e . Kenneth Davi s conducted the group. George Eason , the newes t member of thi s department, teaches piano . The work of the Speech Depa rtment has been fa cilitated by the installment of a speech laboratory in the Bible building . New teachers a r c Darrell Alexander and Ben Holland, who a lso direct th e drama ac ti viti es of the campus. 00'1'. G. Word , MA Anislanl Professor SpeKn - Erie T. Moor. , EdD Mona S. M oore, BA Professor Instructor Music Music Lloyd Cline Sears, PhD Ruby L. Stapleton , MA Pro/esser Associate Professor English English E.... on Ul rey. PhD Richard Wal lee r, MA Professor Speech Assislanl Professor Speech D.lane Way. MAT Aniston! Professor English Earl J. Wilcox . MA Assislont Professor English WORKING industriously, Richard Hockett explores the field of metolcroft in art. Herb Dean supervises Richord 's efforts while Ann Richardson eagerly awaits the outcome of the project. 3J