EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Education instructors prepare future teachers for careers The children of today are the hope of tomorrow - a familiar expression that comes to life in the education classes as students train themselves for a dedicated life of making that hope brighter. The culmination of three or more years of classroom learning comes in the senior year when students actually go into the schools and practice teach. This year the Departments of Educa tion and Psychology have been reorganized as one department with Dr. William K. Summitt as chairman. Harold Bowie has joined the staff as a full -time teacher. It is hoped that this new organization will aid the purpose of training students in teaching subject matter and school administration, and in counseling students. The Physical Education Department teaches sportsmanship as well as sports and prepares students to teach physical education, coach, and work in summer camps and scouting. Harry Olree is back with the college as department chairman after working toward his doctor's degree at George Peabody College and John Prock is a new member of the staff. IMPERATIVE to the de....etopmenr of students is instruct ion in the use of the library. Miss Annie May Allton, Head librarian , reminds th e ossembled faculty of all the library facil ities now available. Moude Montgomery, MA Harry Olr.., MA Assistan t Professor Professor Education Physico I Education John C. Prock. MT William 1( . Summitt , PhD Assistant Profenor Professo r Physico I Education Psychology John D. White , BA Murrey W. Wilson, MA Directo r Assistant Professor Audio-Visual Center Education 29