BIBLE Bible faculty to knowledge directs students of Christianity Believing that a life centered around Christ is the only true life and that to have a God-centered life you must be taught, the Bible Department seeks to g ive each student a grea ter knowledge of Christ. Through these classes we grow in understanding of Him and of His will, ther eby making us able to serve Him better. Conard Hayes, acting as chairman of the Bible Department while Dr. W . B. Wes t is directing the graduate school in Memphis, coordin a ted the Annual Than ksgiving Lectureship. A high - light of the lectureship was the dedica tion of the new Bible building on Thanksgiving Day. The Bible building furni shes maps, audio-visual aids, large classrooms and other facilities necessary to teach the will of God to the incr easingly large numbers of students. Jame. R. Allen , MRE Assistant Professor Bible Leslie Burke, MAo Professor Greek and Hebrew Robert Helsten, MAo Assistant Professor Bible Andy T. Ritchie. MA Assistant Professor Bible Jame. D. Bal.s, Ph .D Professor Christian Doctrine Earl Conard Hays, SD Associate Professor Bible John McRay, MA Assistant Professor Bible W. B. West, Jr., ThD Professor Bible KNOWLEDGE of Greek is invaluable fa students prepa ring for serious Bible study. Here Professor Burke introduces Gene Jester and lorry Brown to library reference facilities. 27