~ ~~~ The Petit Jean Staff t.;,~-t\'i5 ~ EDITORIAL Editor Assistant Editor Caption and Copy Editor Joan Lyon Doris Jean Banell John Millon Seastrunk, Joy Simon Anna Belle Climer Wanda Jo Johnson Ella Mae Westbrook Ass ista nts Sandy Childers, Donna Knapp, Brenda Faculty Editor Ass istant Class Editor Ass istants Student Life Editor Ass istants Organizations Editor A ss is tants Sports Edi tor Assis tant Kathy Bishop, Sandra Herndon , Florence Klemm, Karen Mock, Kathy O'Connor Maralyn Bailey Carolyn Welch, PCl;l;y Poppl ewell Ann Ri chardson Barbara BlackwelL Sherry H ampton, Linda John so n Jim Cilly Jim Mill er Soc ial Clubs Editor . Linda Graff Caroly n Leonard , Anna Mooney, Sue Walls Kay Doak Irma Haney, Belly I-Toll is, Barbara Robertson, Sylvia Worley Assistants Directory Ed itor Ass is tants Photol;rapher Photol;raphic Editor Layouts Editor Ass istants Prog ram Director Busin ess Manager PHOTOGRAPHY LAYOUTS AND ART Harold Tandy Janet Pace Luc re c ia Ste in Jenn e lle Buchanan , Katie Darling, I-Taniet Heninl!;1.on Bob Baucom BUSINESS Ass ista nt Bus iness Manag-cl" Dick Mock Jer ry Atkin son Bak~r, Sara h Brown , Belly Jl endrix, Janie Ilul ell, Noah Matthews. Don Still in l;er, Don Strinl;er Sa lesme n Pegl; ie Faculty Advi so r Dr . Josep h E. Pryor We express our appreciation to ... · .. Dr. Joe Pryo r for hi s advice and calmness . .. Virl;inia Lea th erwood, Sue Tullis.. Royce Bankhead ami Mr. and Mrs. Earl W' ilcox for helping w rite last minute ca ptions., copy and headlines . John \tVhitc, Tom Loney. Russell Simmons and the Publica tion s staff for additiona l pi ctures · .. Roger and Ben Red o f th e Ben Red Studio for printinl; pi ctures and for the class and building pi ctures ... th e William Walker Studi o for the use of its color pic turc ... H erman \'Vest and the Ha,'din l; Press staff for th eir pati ence ... John A. Clark of Semeo Color Press for advice and motivation .. . m embe rs of th e staff for their constant individual work · . . and the many students who performed seemingly unimportant, but essent.ial, tasks at crucial moments. While most of the work ha s been done by the staff, man y situations have arisen in which th e success of completing thi s publi ca tion depended on individual s in other positions. Both for their help and for that of the staff we are indebted and grateful. JOAN LYON nICK MOCK 275