1960-1961 Yearbook

LEASURE-BURNETT FURNITURE and APPLIANCE offers the on ly complete furniture and appliance store in Searcy. located at 2115 E. Race, they also offer friendly service and terms. MEMPHIS COSTUME and REGALIA CO. Complete Furnishings "Any Period, Character or Purpose" 234 So. Main St . Memphis, Tenn Krebs Bros. Supply Co" Inc. Complete Equipment for Hotels, Resturants, Schools, Clubs, Hospita l s and Institutions. 413 W. Capitol Ave. Littl e Rock + Compliments of CROOM OIL COMPANY Distributors of Amoco Gas & Super Per Motor Oil Give your little friends "The Ch ildren's Favorit~" Little Brown Koko The C.E.I. Publishing Co. Athens, Ala 271